What’s a second brain?

According to ChatGPT A “second brain” is a digital platform designed to serve as an extension of your mind, allowing you to store, organize, and access vast amounts of information on specific topics. It acts as a centralized repository for your thoughts, ideas, research, and knowledge, facilitating better retention and retrieval of information. Essentially, it functions as an externalized memory bank, empowering you to efficiently manage and leverage your intellectual resources for learning, problem-solving, and personal development. Read more

I know right? It’s a fascinating idea!💡 There are a lot of writings on the internet that I enjoy reading - from Paul Graham to Eric. S. Raymond for their essays and Farnam Street for the mental models. I also enjoy watching Horses on Youtube by Michael Sorenson.

I feel I might not have a lot of useful information to put out there so, I don’t write much. Whatever I find interesting about a subject, I jot it down in here for future reference.